Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What to wear...and THANK YOU!

Today we're having family photos taken. 

We usually try to do them once a year, but seeing as we have a new member to our clan, we decided to do them sooner. 

Elizabeth from Lizzy Anne Photography is doing this round for us. 
Find her here
So far she seems really nice. I love her photos, and she totally gets my vision. 

 I want to be excited about the idea, but there's one BIG problem. I have NOTHING to wear! It's honestly so frustrating. I'm right in between maternity clothes and my old clothes. approx 5-10lbs away from fitting into my "fat" jeans. I miss my body, and my clothes. Especially right now when we've signed up for photos and I have a ponch instead of a stomach and absolutely nothing to cover it.

If I had no limits to what we could choose this would be it for

I've been looking to a very reliable source for inspiration, the nie nie dialogues. I love her style. I keep thinking it would be so nice to have her help picking our outfits. If only I had a little of her know how and style. Nie's looks here and here and here

and a HUGE shout out to my girl Avril! She made this gorgeous hat for Gaby. It looks great for photos, and it'll be perfect for colder weather. I can't wait to use it!! Well, maybe I can wait for the cold :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post! (and all your other ones, thanks for updating!). The ideas for what you would wear was cute!! Your kids are adorable. SO happy for you and your family!
