Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Amber Teething Necklace

So what's the verdict on these amber teething necklaces? Real or fake?

If you haven't guessed yet, Gabriella is teething. And she's an awful teether. So far, I haven't seen much of a difference with/without the necklace. 

She's one of those that milks that tooth for-EVER! David was the same. Sunday was an absolutely horrible day. She woke up with a fever and diaper rash, her gums swollen and red. If she'll continue on like Dave, this will go on and on for at least another few weeks if not longer. Poor baby.

You can see her necklace here, and don't forget the drool! Who wouldn't love that slobbery face? David calls it 'baby slime' and he's so right.

I made her an organic teether. I saw one here and so I took a piece of organic cloth that I had, and just made one. She seems to like it. She can grab it and chew it so it works well enough. I love that it's organic.

Side note: Gaby found her feet today. Isn't she just the CUTEST!!
Here's my Hannah. I love her green eyes.

Spiritual enlightenment here


  1. I've never tried the amber necklace but I have a Teething Bling necklace that I love. http://www.smartmomjewelry.com/

  2. Noelle has one. She's also an awful teether (and she cut her third tooth yesterday). From what I've read, the baby has to wear it constantly because the heat from the baby's skin will warm the amber and then it will release oils into the skin that soothe baby's gums. In my actual experience, I think it takes the edge off (but only after it's been on for about 2 days)but doesn't do a lot of good. Noelle seems to be a tiny bit less uncomfortable and fussy with it on, so we put it on her when she's teething.

    1. Absolutely it has to be worn consistantly :) Gaby has worn hers night and day for almost 2 months. I agree that it takes the edge off. I found it made fussy days less so, but in terms of real teething relief (ie fever, diaper rash, etc) I'm going with not so much. I still had to give her Tylenol on Sunday for a teething fever, she's better today, but no tooth yet.
