Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Remember to turn up your volume! :-)

Alright, so I realise that it's been a while since I've been on here. I had all these big plans of sitting down and blogging every day. I even made a list of ideas to blog about, I'm totally not even kidding.
Blog Ideas:

SUV of strollers
The Simple Things
Hair Bows
A Day in the Life
Hannah and her Shoes

And it went on just about like that. But unfortunatly I've been feeling a little swamped the past several months. David has started preschool, which is huge! It's only 2 days a week, but it litterally takes ALL day. We have to get up, scramble around all morning making lunch finding "school shoes" making sure his rain pants are not muddy. Then I have to wrestle him to the floor as I brush his teeth, like every other day I might add, not once but twice. Yes twice. I realise this is rediculous, but I feel that if I were going to school, I would want to have nice fresh minty breath. So it's twice. Then we have a fight about what he's going to wear. Yes, David actually cares! Really this revolves around him insisting on only wearing shirts with animals, dogs, or robots, but still, he cares. And then, I have to get Hannah ready. And that, although far more simple that with David, is still a challange. Rising up to her consistantly growing princess needs is becoming more and more, well honestly, fun. I can't help it, she's completely and totally my dolly. She also has a love for shoes. Shoe happend to be her first word, and now, she picks her own. I've got her down to 4 pairs of shoes, rain boots which are pink and purple with butterflys, church shoes, running shoes, and everything else shoes. I personally am a huge fan of Pediped, just to throw that out there. Both my kids wear Pediped, accept for the rain boots. Those we bought from Scallywags on 60% off, woot go me!

Also! I am doing Nano Wrimo, National Novel Writting Month. You can check them out and It is 50 000 words written in 30 days. I am doing well so far, but it's an every day experiance at the moment. And as you can see, I am blogging instead of activly writting. I get an A+ in procrastination.

So those are the 2 BIG things on my list. Written out they feel small, but really they're huge. Writting upwards of 1600 words/day plus preschool, and park dates, and trying to diet and lose weight and be active (which is going well btw but slow *groan*), and try to fit in time to watch Grays Anatomy and make Hannahs bows, and pretend I know what I'm doing with photoshop is kinda alot. I keep thinking I should take up baking, but then I think, mmm I'll just drive to Demitasse :)

Posting a link to the most recent facebook photos, take a look. PS I love comments!!!

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