Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gaby Grace

I've got to say, that this time around, the baby thing is completely awesome.

I was able to spend two nights in the hospital with babe, and it was great. I slept when I want, had my meals made and brought to me. Nurses on call to bring me water and Ibuprofen. The best part was being able to spend all that time, guilt free, with Gaby.

We came home on Friday afternoon. James worked in the morning and then picked us up after lunch. Gaby did OK for her first car ride. She wasn't too impressed with her Dad when he hit up the Wendy's drive through on the ride home. I guess she didn't want any fries :)

David the baby whisperer has been a huge help. That first day home I could not have survived without him. Gaby constantly wanting to be held, me needing to unpack, James trying to console Hannah (who's having a harder time than we thought she would adjusting and is now attached at the hip to her Dad). Even something as simple as going to the washroom was made easier by my 5 year old. He's been awesome. He's not eager to fetch me diapers (that's Hannah's job) but he'll hold her whenever asked, and offers about ever 3 seconds.

We are just so glad to have her home. She's been an awesome baby. She's settled into her first week of life quite well. She sleeps through the kids noise-even when Uncle Jordan is here to play, wakes up only once through the night, and is quiet and sweet during the day. She's such a sweet little bundle. I gush just thinking about her.

It's been really fun seeing the kids with her. And looking back on their baby photos together. It took quite a bit of convincing with Hannah that her newborn photos were her and not Gaby. Probably because they were wearing the exact same thing! lol

ah what else can I really say? Gaby's great. We are so blessed to have her.

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