Friday, January 20, 2012

Better late than never...Christmas and beyond

I know it's been a while since I've been on here. We've just been swamped since Christmas. Today the kids are upstairs being quiet so I figured I'll sit here for 5 minutes. Let's hope I can get this done!

This year for Christmas we kept things pretty low key.

We did a little baking and crafting with the kids, the usual family get togethers, and of course Christmas day complete with church and dinner.

The kiddos showing off their gingerbread house

These are the cookies we made for the kids Sunbeam and Nursery leaders...and then they of course ate before they could be given out. haha

They actually did make the cookies themselves

The new year has brought on boughts of colds and flus. It seems that every week we've had someone seriously ill with something. This week was James. He ended up in the hospital last Friday with kidney stones. No I didn't take pictures of that.

On the 11th David turned 5! We didn't do a big birthday party this year, I just couldn't pull it together with being huge and pregnant and getting over illness. But instead he had a fun family evening with cake and presents, and he got a new bike! Lucky dude.

David on his 5th birthday

We set up our crib. Washed all the baby linens and fixed the crib bumper. My newly ordered crib bumper came complete with a rip in it. My lack of sewing skills nearly devastated me, but a neighbor helped me out. It really broke my heart, but at least it's usable now. Note to self though: next time don't make such a fuss and be happy with what you have. you're on my list. Yep. Anyway:

Here's the crib all set up. It looks so sweet. And you can't even see the rip. It's on the back, so at least it's hidden.

And now we have snow! Wednesday morning we woke up with enough snow to have a snow day! James couldn't make it up the mountain to work (his boss called, it wasn't on his lack of determination), so we had him home! We shoveled Great Grandma and Grandpas drive way, headed into my midwife appointment, and played with the neighbor kids all day. It was great, and they slept straight through the night! Oh I love outside days :)

Hannah helping shovel the drive way

David actually really loved shoveling. Next year we'll get him a kid sized snow shovel. He's built for this sort of work. Bring me snow every day! That kid will be happier for it.

Now that we've had snow for a few days I'm starting to get over it. Dressing the kids in umpteen layers just to walk out the door is starting to drive me crazy. Never mind the giant belly in front of me that makes it just that much harder. Bending over to help them with their boots has become completely ridiculous. When Hannah didn't want to go outside yesterday I just let her stay in. You go for it girly, stay inside, save me from fighting with your boots :)

And now we're just finishing up organizing the house and getting ready for baby to come. Last night I scrubbed all our downstairs floors (yes on my hands and knees. These floors are horrendously hard to clean), everything accept the front hall. I figured there's no point when everyone's tracking snow in constantly. All our storage cupboards have been organized thanks to James (and Jordan :)) being home for a few days. All the laundry is done, just have to fold the last of it. The kiddos still need a new dresser (so I can put all their clothes away) but we'll get there. Soon, and before baby, I hope.

That's all for now! NO promises on being on here very much in the near future. But hopefully I won't be too swamped....hopefully.

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