Friday, June 11, 2010

Lifestyle Change....yikes!

Ok, so I did it. I finally got over my stereotype and joined Jenny Craig. I was scared because in my mind I had thought that Jenny was only for seriously over weight, or obese people. And walking in there the other day, I felt bad. I really did. There were people with well over 100 lbs sitting in the waiting room, and I thought how can this really be the place for me?

Currently I am sitting at (yikes) 142lbs. That may not sound like a huge number, but for my height that is 2 lbs away from top of the "normal" range. So it's time to not only shed some pounds, but be healthy again. You'd think that chasing my kidlets everywhere would help me stay thin, but aparantly, according to a good friend of mine, it's definatly more what you eat that what you do, 80/20.

I am going for the goal of 120lbs, which means I have 22lbs to lose. My half way point is approx 31lbs, and if I can stay on plan that might not be too far away with an average loss of 1-2lbs/week on this program. And to me, right now, that is sounding fantastic! I have been working so hard for so long that to finally find something that won't fail, even if it's at a snail pace, is amazing! My mole hill of 20lbs over the past 3 years and 2 babies has truly been a mountain. And a big one.

So here's to a new lease on life, a huge life style change (as in wow that's what a healthy portion looks like? whoopsy), and *fingers crossed* a 22lb lighter me!

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