Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WOW! I think it might actually have been forever since I've made a post. So much has changed in the past few months, I think we owe our grand events the privillage to be written down.

Of course we've had the general kids are growing, and learning events. Both kids are learning their ABCs and we've managed to get up to G officially! David can sing all the words, while doing the actions to Head and Sholders. I think that's pretty big, coordination and memory:) I'm very pleased with him. And Hannah, although very vocal with all of her emotions, is turning into a very sweet and beautiful little angel. We just adore these kids!

If anyone of you has payed our family much attention in the last three years, you would know that we have a very strange and disruptive habbit of moving, all the time! And yet again this Greenwood family will be packing up, and moving. Hopfully this time we can get rid of a large amount of our CRAP! I hate that word, but let's face it, that's what it is. We have almost officially bought our own house! We are turning James' parents house into a duplex and have purchased from them the rights to half. The house has been remortgaged (of which we are paying approx 82% so this is fair!), have lowerd mom and dads bills and mortgage payments, and somehow still manage to save us money as well. And now, the renovations begin. James has been over there all weekend trying to get things started. I think it's going slower than he had hoped. When you live in a house for 20 some odd years you collect allot of junk simply by nature. Now mom and dad are trying to go through it and I think it's harder on them then they thought. To us it may just be garbage, but to them it was a huge part of their lives. We must pay credit to that. But in all fairness it's hard to renovate when you're constantly tripping over things. Hopfully everything will start to move smoother in the next few days. James wants us in there by Dec 1. It's the 18th, he's taken three days off from work and has as an end result built a wall. I'm not feeling very confidant about this deadline, but I'm excited for the end result. I guess this means I better start packing. I mean it this time when I say we're not taking our junk. Now how do I sort between what's worth keeping and whats not? How many Christmas boxes are too many? And baby clothes? I haven't gotten rid of a single item my kids have worn. We have endless boxes of clothes in their closets. And now, where to start? I usually start with books, and leave out the toys till last. I guess it's time to start making some lists. Any organizational tips would be so very apreciated:)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily, Good luck with your move! Were moving Feb 1st into a bigger unit here. Moving is bittersweet--packing is a pain, but I'm glad to get rid of stuff. Take care! :)
