Sunday, February 7, 2010

Talking, or Talking Back?

For those of you who don't know the story with David, I will let you know. It's not a long one, so bear with me.:) When Hannah was born, David was 19 months. He had 15words, and was coming along in colours and numbers etc. A week later he stopped talking. No letters, no numbers, no words, nothing. He didn't start again until after he was two, around the time when we all began to feel like normal was setting in again. Aparantly this sort of thing is completely normal, and caused by stress. It has nothing to do with his intelligance or his mental capabilities. Since then he's been working with a speech therapist just to catch him up. He's still behind, but every time he blows them away with his sparkling personality and the progress he makes.

So when my little three year old says something to me, anything, even if it's a naughty word or something mean, although I have to dicipline I can't help but smile inside becuase he's saying something.

Today getting ready for church, I was just finished my hair and I said to him "how do I look?". He looks me up and down, ponders for a minute, finger on mouth with a loud "hmmmm". He says "Mummy what happend to your hair? It's crazy. It's ugly!". I can't say I was too thrilled, if anything at the comment. Considering I thought I looked pretty good. But I have to say, I'm not excited by what he's saying, but that he's saying it. And now to go fix my hair, oh flat iron how I do love thee.

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