Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sent with Love

For fhe this week and next we've been working on an on going project. James' brother Jeff is serving a military tour in Afghanistan, and has just returned after leave for Christmas. We were so sad to see him go, but wanted a way to keep him in our everyday (especially with small kids). So we came up with the plan to send out care packages, and make an effort to do them as on going projects. Send one, start another. We also email him nearly every day and ask the kids to say a few words, or babbles from Hannah.

In searching for some good ideas of what to send I came across this fantastic list on someones blog. Neadless to say, she is a military mom. She seems to know the ins and outs, and I am greatful for her help:)

We now have a few more things to add to his package, and next Monday we should be sending it out. It's just one small way that we can give all our love to someone who is so far away. We miss you Jeff.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New year, new me?

I love being a mom. I absolutely adore it. I love haveing two beautiful little people that I get to take care of. To bath, feed, dress and adorn with love. They are the most perfect things I have ever come across, at least in my opinion :)

But sometimes, I feel like, even though I'm making the worlds of two tiny people, I want to do more. I want to have a say in the rest of the world. I don't want to sit back behind my front door and watch while everyone has dreams and ambitions. I have dreams and ambitions, and I want a little piece of me to shine out there in the big bad world.

I watch movies written, directed, and staring a cast of people living their dreams. I read books written by someone living their dream. I drive a car, dress in clothes, combe my hair with tools designed by people living a dream. I have dreams. I want to live by my dreams, I want Diem to Carpe. I want not only to see every square inch of this beautiful gift of a planet, but I want to leave my mark on it as well.

I suppose only time will tell if that's in my plan. But someone once told me, that the desiers of our hearts are not put there so we can not see them reached.